Saturday, October 24, 2009

Declare HIS Glory

Ecclesiastes 12:1 “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth…”
Psalm 19:1 “The heavens declare the glory of God…”

Much talk of origins exists these days. Consider the recent “Big Bang” experiment. Do concepts such as evolution, intelligent design, millions of years, The Flood, ‘The Big Bang,’ and creation affect everyday life in any way? Should Christians isolate these and other related subjects to a science class? Does science support the Bible and do Christians need to study creationism? Though some may wish to keep the subject of origins confined to a classroom, each person must consider how these subjects and the ideas underlying them impact every area of life.

How Must Christians View Science?

The Word of God begins with: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” This statement is simple, yet scientific. In the beginning tells of the origin of time, heaven is the space to contain all that the Creator made, and earth refers to the building blocks for the physical universe, or matter. Time, space, and matter comprise all that scientists seek to study. God’s Word begins with science.

Science Points to God

Job 12:7-9 “But ask now the beasts and they shall teach thee; and the fowl of the air, and they shall tell thee: Or speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee: and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee. Who knoweth not in all these that the hand of the LORD hath wrought this?”

Romans 1:20 For the invisible things from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.

Design demands a designer. Within every person is the knowledge that a creation points to its creator. One gazes at a painting and asks “Who painted this?” or he observes a building and wonders “Who built this?” He does not think to himself, “An explosion created this.” Likewise, it is natural and logical to assume and understand that a Creator designed the intricate and marvelous universe that exists. However, creation does not point only to the existence of a Creator but also to His glory (”the heavens declare the glory of God” - Ps. 19:1). As the quality of a painting or a building reflects its creator, likewise a universe of order and complexity reflects the Designer, the LORD Jesus Christ (Col. 1:16). As the Creator, He has authority over every area of life. After all, if He is the Designer and Architect of the universe, He has a plan for every aspect in it.

Some take for granted that, in general, all people believe in a Creator. While it is true that “God hath showed…unto them…the invisible things from the creation of the world…” (Rom. 1:19-20), in America and around the world, a particles-to-people belief called evolution has been taught for many years as a fact of science. Evolution is not a scientific discipline. Rather, it is a belief that undermines the Word of God from the very first verse, thus blinding the minds of them which believe not (2 Cor. 4:4). True science involves what is observable, testable, or repeatable; but evolution is outside of these areas since no one can observe, test, or repeat it. While many correctly associate Charles Darwin with evolution, evolutionary thought did not begin with him. Rather, it began with Satan in the Garden of Eden who asked, “Yea, hath God said ‘Ye shall not eat of every tree…?’” (Gen. 3:1) Evolution inserts a question mark where God put a period!

The belief in evolution begins with “millions of years.” This hypothetical time frame involves an idea called “uniformitarianism” which means “the present is the key to the past.” In other words, what we see happening today has been going on for “millions of years.” During this supposed time (after an initial “cosmic explosion” or “Big Bang”), stars and planets formed, life began from non-life, rivers carved canyons, and people developed from ape-like ancestors.

Though most Christians do not believe or teach particles-to-people evolution, evolutionary thought ultimately impacts every person on earth. Not only are unbelievers affected by this worldview, but Christians also are negatively impacted by the confusion and humanistic thinking that evolutionary thinking engenders. High fuel prices, the Holocaust, animal rights, divorce, homosexuality, false religions, abortion, euthanasia, and a host of other subjects can and must be traced back to the foundational worldview underlying them. Therefore, Christians should consider these subjects-and their underlying beliefs-as opportunities to point people to God as the Creator Who is the Authority over every aspect of life.

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